Task 1 – Strategic Planning Meeting Report
If your report is made for a formal Management meeting, the report must be written in business formal report style and format.
Your report will be presented to the BMC’s upcoming Strategic Management Planning meeting where the primary focus is to discuss the implementation of this new strategy for business. The group is comprised of mostly operational managers with little knowledge and understanding of relationships between the organisation’s structure and strategy as well as the business environment in general. As such, the CEO has requested that your report include an appreciation of relationships between strategy, organisational structure and the operating environment.
The report should therefore contain:
A study of the advantages and disadvantages of two distinct types of structures of organization in different kinds of organisations as well as the wide range of goods, services and clients.
The relationship between each and their connection to the organisation’s purpose. (AC 1.1)
A look at the way the organisational strategy must be tied to the products, services customers or revenues (AC 1.2)
A review of the present and future impact on companies of a variety of external
elements and trends. (AC 1.3)
A review of two current problems and their causes, which identify the top priorities of organizations which will impact delivery of services or products and the impact it can have on practice and the solutions. (AC 1.4 and AC 3.3)
A description of how individuals’ behaviours can affect organizational structures and systems which can affect effectiveness of management, employment, and development of individuals (AC1.5)
A look at the effects technology has on the lives of people work, working and workplace methods,
and the present and rising size of the usage of technology in organisations. (AC 1.6)
The second task is to create a presentation pack.
The CEO also wants you to write a report in advance of the formal Strategic Management Planning meeting to prepare them for the meeting. The purpose of the presentation is to present a an overview of the theory behind workplace culture and culture of the organization and how workplace practices can help in achieving the business’s goals and objectives. The presentation pack should include slides of the presentation as well as supporting notes.
The presentation should include:
A description of the fundamentals of different theories, methods, and models of organizational and human behaviour , which illustrate the variables that influence the way that individuals, groups and teams contribute to organizational achievement. (AC 2.1)
A description of the primary factors that drive change in organizations and, using at least two models that have been established explaining how individuals might be affected by the effects of change (AC 2.2)
An explanation of the actions that you can take to promote diversity and inclusion within your workplace, as well as the implications for creating a welcoming and inclusive work environment that are not taken (AC2.3)
Utilizing examples from your own experience and current best practice ideas, an explanation of the negative and positive ways that people’s practices influence organizational culture and behaviors. (AC 2.4)
A review of the importance of workplace wellbeing and the identification of the many aspects that impact wellbeing that could affect both physically and psychologically, and on relationships, which can affect the health, commitment and performance. (AC 2.5)
A thorough assessment of your experiences at your job and how it is a good illustration and support for the idea and concepts of the an employee’s lifecycle (AC 3.1)
Explains the operational and strategic links and supports between the people who practice and other organizational functions. (AC 3.2)
Explores the underlying principles of various methods of engaging internal customers to identify their requirements (AC 3.4)
Describes the essential elements of the project planning strategy that can be employed to ensure projects are carried out according to the needs of the client. (AC 3.5)
It is vital that you reference the theories, concepts and academic ideas as well as professional practice in order to ensure your work is supported by an analysis. Make sure that all sources and references you make are properly acknowledged and accompanied by the bibliography.
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AC 1.1
Matrix structure
It is an organizational framework in which the reporting relationships are constructed in a matrix or grid rather than the conventional hierarchy. In this arrangement, employees have two reporting relationships typically to an operational manager and the product manager (Armstrong Taylor and Armstrong 2020). Employees are accountable to at least two managers rather than a single line manager in charge of all aspects of their job.
This type of organizational structure lets different work divisions be able to communicate and collaborate on a particular project. Because the employees are accountable to multiple line managers as opposed to just their functional managers, solutions to problems are made faster, and overall organizational relationships are improved. Also, there is better collaboration across all departments of the company and efficient growth of employees (Sharp and Green 2020).
It requires a strong collaboration between project and functional managers, and is prone to the occurrence of conflicting instructions from the management and rules. This type of structure causes problem of deciding on priorities that are compatible with both functional and project management. This could lead to slowdowns in management’s response to decisions when two structures are needed to provide solutions. Also, there is the possibility of structural collapse during times of crisis, and significant cost of overhead in the firm’s management.
Divisional structure
The companies are designed to split into semi-autonomous divisions, also known as divisions. They have the ability to control the daily operations of their organizations. But, they remain accountable to a centralised management who formulates the overall strategy of the business and coordinates the implementation of it within the divisions. Large multinational corporations usually utilize this model (Beevers, Hayden & Rea 2019).
Since each division is semi-autonomous the operational decisions are taken by employees who are closer to the specific problems and issues. This kind of structure gives an abundance of flexibility to the company in general since every division functions independently. The workforce will be trained in the technical expertise and abilities that are best suited to solving problems. This could help companies gain an edge over competitors in the market or industry and also improve the company’s culture.
It’s not suitable for smaller companies because a absence of communication between divisions could hamper the development and performance of the company. It requires many experts, which is difficult to create and implement. Division heads are in charge of their daily tasks. As the speed of decisions and the actions taken in the division may cause corruption. The roles could be duplicated across the different divisions, resulting in an over-worked workforce, which is costly. This can lead to unbalanced and unhealthy competition in which each division strives to beat each other (Houghton and Young 2019).
AC 1.2
There are numerous effects of strategic planning on the effectiveness of an organisation including excellent product quality, significant fluctuations in profits and huge patronage from clients and increasing volumes of sales. The strategic planning intensity is determined by environment, structure and management changes (Houghton 2020). Business strategies form the basis for survival in a competitive business environment, and must be created with care. Strategic plans are not practical when it is not implemented effectively that is why it requires an appropriate appraisal strategy. To ensure the successful implementation of a strategy, companies must be geared towards the hiring of motivated and talented employees, who, based on their achievements, must be elevated to higher level of leadership. Business leaders in the organization and other employees should have a clear vision of the future direction of their organization. This will help in the development of a culture that is high-performance. Furthermore, the increase in financial autonomy will improve the ability to adapt and implement a strategy.
Strategic planning can help companies establish their goals and goals within a specific timeframe and with the resources. The company must lay out plans, policies, and develop structures for operation in order to fulfill their goal. The skills of project management come into play when defining and integrating organizational structure (Beevers, Hayden & Rea 2019).
Strategies must be creative and creative, while the implementation must be efficient and efficient. Rapid and efficient reaction will enhance monitoring and evaluation as well as aid in the implementation of the strategy and avoiding or minimizing the risk of failure. Businesses must be focused on their customers to be able to compete, and so a proper strategy formulation and its implementation is essential. A strategic plan that is effective should be developed based on the firm’s strengths and capitalize on opportunities while attenuating or overcoming against weaknesses and threats (Anlesinya and Amponsah Tawiah, 2020). It’s important to remember that having a plan for strategic growth doesn’t always guarantee the success of a business. But a well-crafted and innovative strategy that is properly implemented can ensure the success of your business.
AC 1.3
External factors and trends that impact companies: cultural and social developments, technological advances as well as demographic changes and political developments. To keep up with the changing preferences and tastes of clients, companies are slowly shifting to a new production model that is best suited to the preferences and requirements of their customers. The latest trends in fashion and fashion are causing manufacturing facilities to make clothing and other apparel requested by their customers. Seasons dictate what is available on the market. Technology advancements as well as automation and mechanization are transforming the patterns of production in companies. Businesses are using machines to make items or services, and robotics and artificial Intelligence take the place of human capital in businesses (Parida, Sjodin & Reim 2019). Digitalized and biometric systems control the employee’s lifecycle across a range of organizations from recruitment, sourcing and payroll management to monitoring work hours, and retirement and pension benefits administration.
Political economy is the primary driver of workplace regulations and policies that are employed to regulate and run organisations. This impacts the decisions of governments on business regulations, labour laws as well as workers’ affiliations as well as their ties with trade unions. Population shifts and demographic shifts across different regions affect the composition of the workforce as well as the patterns of recruitment in different organisations as well as the products that will be manufactured and sold.
Another external cause is the rapid expansion and use on social platforms which has positive effects on business organizations because it provides them with the opportunity to promote their products and services as well as enhance their image and brand. The seasons and the climate, as well as sometimes, ethnic factors have also impacted the demand for certain products on the marketplace (Bombiak and Marciniuk-Kluska in 2019). In the end, companies are forced to adapt to satisfy their customers demands for the duration of these periods or times. Companies can accomplish this through the following methods such as hiring more employees and changing their working hours as well as increasing the volume of production, and improving their distribution and marketing strategies.
This will guarantee a constant and unstoppable supply of products and services on the market.
The vast and diverse demographics present both opportunities as well as the challenges faced by business organizations (Sharp and Green 2020). Legislative frameworks may impact the streams of revenue (by increasing taxation and regulations) as well as business goals or even competitiveness. Globalization and fluctuations in commodity prices and wages can also affect how firms run their operations. This influences their pricing as well as international trade policies. The economic structure has many variables that impact the buying ability of consumers as much as their spending habits.
AC 1.4
At present companies adjust to present business climate to be able to handle the challenges and ensure continuity. In the midst of Corona pandemics around the world companies are being forced to redesign their structures by certain companies reducing their workforces, some closing branches, and some changing their service and production methods and methods. A lot of organizations have prioritized and redirected more resources to encourage remote working as to minimize the physical interaction of their employees, which in turn has reduced the spread of the disease.
The most pressing issue in firms that may impact service delivery is the high rate of employee turnover. This is a situation where more employees leave the company than employees who are employed. The rate of employee turnover can result from a myriad of external and internal factors. External factors can include a low motivation, dissatisfaction with work and a lack of career advancement opportunities or structure, and so on. Other external factors include competition for labor resources and legal issues like the high cost of taxation, which can raise the production costs, and government policies (Buhalis and co. 2019). The problems with BMC’s employees’ turnover is caused by an internal issue that is job-related discontent. BMC is known because of its tendency to overlook the human resource aspect of its business. It’s primarily focused on the expansion and production aspects. Human resources form the basis of any successful business. So, a lot of focus is required to be paid. The fierce competition on the labor market has exacerbated the situation, and many qualified employees looking to join other firms. This is why the business should focus on making changes to the current system. This can be accomplished through increasing motivation of employees. Motivation of employees is attained through engagement of employees. Employees feel part of the organization when they’re engaged in the majority of decision-making processes. Thus, the company must ensure that its employees are satisfied and happy with the business’s plans and procedures. This gives employees something to strive for which will increase their motivation.
The lack of clear communication between upper management and the employees in junior positions is a problem. Improved communication through transparent and honest conversations and constructive feedback is a great way to make a difference. The shortage of skilled workers is a major issue for companies in the labor market. Innovative and contemporary techniques of managing business are being developed as a result of technological advances and innovation. Businesses compete with each other to remain competitive on the marketplace. They are in a rush to train their employees to be IT compatible with the latest technology trends. Corporate organizations are searching for the most critical skills that aren’t being utilized in their businesses. Experts in machine learning and data science, analytics remote sensor artificial intelligence, robotics are sought after by companies (Bombiak and Marciniuk-Kluska, 2019,).
Businesses are also becoming more forward-looking. They are establishing their plans correctly and focusing on their staff’s capacity improvement and growth. This will help improve their performance as well as ensure that they are in tune with latest business developments (Houghton and Young, 2019,). Mergers have been implemented to assist companies in reducing costs of operations while increasing profitability. aid companies in achieving their goals in a way that is efficient and economically.
AC 1.5
Practices of people, such as the formation of groups of talent and the development of policies for personnel and analytics of statistics on people and management of grievances and the recruitment of employees have an affect the structure and system of companies in a variety of ways. In the first place, these practices determine the way employees are classified in accordance with their skills and abilities to fulfill various duties and tasks (Beevers, Hayden & Rea 2019).
The mechanisms used to organize the division of labor are referred to as organizational systems. Structure of an organisation is similar to a skeleton. It creates spatial links and influences power dynamics between its various components. The frame doesn’t do any work of itself; it serves as a structure within which the business manages its resources in order to accomplish its goals. The structures of a company are similar to the design of the organization that create the movement and activity within and around the structure of the skeleton (Armstrong Taylor and Armstrong 2020). Recruitment, management of performance rewards processing of data and performance assessment, as well as promotions and grievances are just some examples of the people behaviors in the workplace which allow organization structures and systems to function.
The need for staffing is essential to every organisational structure. Professionals who are savvy examine how the abilities of their employees and their respective positions match. The mere appearance of the job description printed on a piece of paper doesn’t mean that the person who holds the job will be able or willing to perform the tasks specified by the job description. A lot of senior managers are prepared to make structural changes as opposed to changes in the human capabilities of the employees in question are not in line with the demands of specific parts of the organization structure. Both options are readily offered both with their specific set of costs. People practices are the strategies and methods we employ throughout our employment. An effective organization will employ the most efficient human resource management practices to ensure that the practices of the employees within the company is handled properly (Beevers, Hayden & Rea 2019). If the organizational structure matches the needs of the company, practice of people will be managed efficiently.
AC 1.6
Technology has become an integral component of modern society. Businesses must be creative to keep up with the latest technology. The structure of a company’s organization is often influenced by the technology that it uses. Companies that employ batch technology usually structure differently than companies that use continuous processes. The organizational structures of technologies that involve high-interconnected components differ from those that employ independent, distinct parts. The order in which tasks are performed as well as the tools and personnel that are available to complete them can affect the way management is conducted in the company. Due to the rapid growth in technology as well as satellite-based information systems different organizational frameworks are being developed in this digital age (Buhalis and others. 2019, 2019). The companies have realized that technology is vital for successful recruitment over the last few years. Employers are using online job boards to find the most qualified candidates for vacant positions or jobs. Furthermore, as a large number of people are aware of the trend and have a good understanding of technology and tech-savvy, there is a higher chance of finding skilled workers. Portals let employers provide the necessary information about the employment contract, career opportunities and personal development to prospective employees and job applicants.
The technology industry is taking on the majority of things that used to be doing at work. The impact of technology, for instance in the communication and manufacturing sectors has increased the productivity of products and has greatly improved the speed with which business processes take place. Technology has enabled employees to become more efficient as when compared to the time before. Transactions for business and products are now cashless. Technologies in the workplace are already affecting the way people work; recruitment is online, and with the help of the ATS, capacity-training and development has moved away from traditional conventions and workshops to virtual sessions and meetings using Zoom, Google meets, Skype thanks to advanced technology. Employees need to be informed on the latest technologies in the workplace. They must be the main point of reference when making decisions on the adoption of technology that affects their jobs (CIPD 2019, 2019).
AC 3.3
The adoption of modern technology at the workplace, in the delivery of services changes the way employees do their jobs. In the process of implementing HR data analytics and performance-based evaluation programs that guide policy-making within the company HR professional HR professional utilizes a variety of managerial information technology systems. This helps save time and money as well as is simple and user-friendly for the employees. This has improved service delivery and improved the efficiency of employees as well as the business in general. Strategies for better managing employees are designed and implemented quickly using practicable methods (Armstrong and Taylor 2020).
The workers will need to alter their ways of dealing with staff members in the workplace. To cut down on operations expenses, companies are closing offices and branches, as well as choosing remote work for their employees. Technology innovations have enabled this. People who are experts in their field are no longer supervising workers physically as they have traditionally been.