Sleep. We all wish for the luxury of more. However, it’s not. So. Elusive. Although waking up and feeling exhausted constantly isn’t ideal sleeping in a slumber can have a major impact on your well-being. Experts advise to have between 7 and 8 hours of sleep every night, but what can that actually do to you?
1. Sleep Can Boost Your Immune System
If your body is getting enough sleep the antibodies and protein receive the rest they require to fight off any threat that is thrown their way, such as colds and flu. According to the restful sleep experts in the American Academy of Sleep Medicine good sleep can help make vaccines more effective and effective, which is a huge benefit.
2. Gaining Zzz’s can help prevent weight gain Gain
Achieving eight hours of rest isn’t going help you shed the pounds. on its own, but it could help prevent your body to not put on the weight. If you’re sleeping too little your body produces ghrelin. This is which is a hormone that increases appetite. Also, your body reduces its production of leptin the hormone that signals that you’re full. Combine them and you’ve got a dangerous combination for snacking late at night My dear friend. If you’re not sleeping enough, you’re more stressed and aren’t able to resist junk food cravings. It’s exhausting just contemplating it.
3. Sleep Can Strengthen Your Heart
Insufficient sleep can result in heart health issues such as high blood pressure or heart attacks. This is because sleep deprivation could cause that your body’s system to produce cortisol which is which is a stress hormone, and causes your heart to be more active. Similar to you have a healthy immune system, the heart requires rest to function effectively and efficiently. Another motive to “heart” to sleep.
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4. Better Sleep = Happier mood
There’s a certain truth in the old adage “Getting in the correct position.” It is not related to do with the part of your bed that you fall into, however a good night’s sleep can boost your mood. It is logical. If you are able to sleep well, you awake feeling refreshed. Resting helps boost the energy levels of your body to rise. If you’re feeling energetic the little things in life won’t bother you as much. If you’re not annoyed and you’re not angered. In the absence of anger you’re content. Therefore, get to bed early, and all around you be grateful to you for it.
5. Sleeping in can increase productivity
You might think that you’re impressing the boss with night oil to get home, however holding off getting a decent night’s sleep might be having a negative result at school or at work. Sleep has been associated with improved concentration and better cognitive performance and will help you succeed at work. A sleepless night may cause you to feel overwhelmed and more likely to make errors that coffee will not be able to correct. Coffee is a must, and the more exhausted you feel more likely will be tempted to grab that afternoon cup. Although it may seem to solve the afternoon crash you’re experiencing, the added caffeine consumed in the late afternoon can set you up for another night of sleepless nights. It’s a vicious cycle.
6. Lack of sleep can be Risky. Literally.
Based on a study conducted by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety the chances are twice as high to be involved in a car accident if you’re going on 6 to 7 hours of sleep , compared to if you sleep 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. You sleep for less than 5 hours and the odds of being involved in an accident quadruple! It’s because your response speed slows lower when you’re not completely well-rested. We aren’t sure about you however, these statistics make us all ready to slip in our PJs and go to bed quickly.
7. Sleeping can improve exercise performance
A researcher studied the effects of sleep in basketball players. And what did they find? If they weren’t sleeping well they were not very good basketball players. (#Duh) You’re probably considering, “So what? I’m just the MVP of my dreams.” Sleep influences all forms of performance in the gym. The benefits of sleeping under the covers are the hand eye coordination and reaction speed and recovery of muscles. Additionally, a lack of sleeping can have a negative effect on power and strength.
8. Sleep Enhances Memory
While you sleep, giving your body the rest it requires however, your mind is busy. It’s processing and consolidating your experiences of the day. If you’re not getting enough sleep then who knows what happens to those memories. In fact your mind may make up false memories.
The bottom line is: Sleep is beneficial. It’s also essential.