Unpaid invoices can have a significant impact on cash flow, regardless of how big or small the business. Research shows that 70% of invoices are not paid on-time. Even if the payment is only a few days late it can result in significant administrative and financial costs for businesses.
Unpaid invoices or debts that drag on for months, years, or longer, can have a greater impact on an organization’s cash flow. It is precisely where efficient and timely debt collection London can be of assistance. Professional debt recovery is considered a last resort option by most businesses, despite the potential benefits.
Problems with DIY Debt Collection
While DIY debt recovery may be an option, it is not the most effective or efficient option for most businesses. In-house debt recovery is:
Complex and time-consuming
Both frustrating and distracting
An extensive administrative burden
If you fail, it could be very costly
Professional debt recovery can be an option. If initial attempts to recover outstanding payments are unsuccessful, it is time to call in the professionals.
Professional debt recovery is not an expense that your company cannot afford, but it can prove to be a valuable asset in many ways. These are the three most important:
1. Time-saving professional debt recovery services can be a great option
While financial costs are important, what about the effort and time it takes to recover debts? Even at a low level, debt recovery can cause a significant strain on an organization’s resources and time. This is a distraction and disruption that you don’t need. The biggest benefit of having professionals involved is the speeding up and simplifying of the process. This allows you to concentrate on what is most important – running your business.
2. You can save money by hiring professionals to recover your debts
Although professional debt recovery services are not free, they can be the most cost-effective. You need to realize that DIY debt recovery can cause a significant drain on limited resources. DIY debt recovery is not guaranteed to succeed. Hiring help could help you save money on your debts.
3. Professional debt recovery can save relationships
It’s important to remember that you lose control over the recovery process when you hire a debt recovery expert. It’s the debt recovery specialist that communicates with the debtor to chase the outstanding payment, not you. This makes it easier to keep important business relationships intact and retain key customers.
It’s important that debtors are given a fair chance to repay, but there will come a time when it is necessary to escalate. Expert legal assistance is a great option for your business, even if you don’t have extensive experience or expertise in strategic debt collection.
Frontline Collections – London Office (Debt Collection)
2nd Floor, 1-5 Clerkenwell Road, London EC1M 5PA
0333 043 4425