How can you tell what is the best quality of workwear?
Workwear of high-quality provides the wearer top performance, comfort and durability. It simply looks more stylish, feels more comfortable to wear it lasts longer. This is due to the quality of the fabrics that are made from durable materials, as well as strict quality control measures implemented to prevent sub-par products from ever reaching the final consumer.
Quality or poor?
A brand-new polo, sweatshirt, pants or jacket made of fleece that is fresh from its packaging, will always appear neat and stylish. In the beginning, it might not be obvious at first whether the item is of high-quality or of poor quality.
It’s usually not until your employees begin wearing clothing for a prolonged amount of time and have gone through several wash cycles that you realize that things aren’t quite the way you’d like them to be. When that happens, it’s way too late to take action to address it.
Click here for workwear suppliers Edinburgh.
The lower quality fabrics won’t maintain their color like higher-quality ones. They are more likely to fade after repeated washes. This is due to the fact that they can’t be dyed at these high temperatures, so the colour isn’t as deeply embedded into the material as it is in a fabric of higher quality.
Stitching can break as time passes and features such as zips or toggle fasteners can be damaged or stuck.
How long can workwear last?
This is a issue that is often. First thing to decide is the meaning of how long the wearables last. It’s about how long will it last in its shape and colour? While you can wear your work pants once they’ve lost colour. Once they look wornout, but they end up being a poor reflection of your brand and should be replaced. In this regard there’s no standard time frame for how long a piece of workwear will last, because it is contingent on the specific requirements of the individual role and workplaces. As a general rule we can inform you that the average length is longer than people think!
It is normal for good quality workwear to keep its color and form and give a professional brand image for a period of 12-18 months or longer. All of our workwear comes with an 18-month guarantee. In addition, we can assist companies in making the changes needed to ensure that a pair of safety gloves will last in appearance and functionality for at least one month.
If your clothing isn’t last longer than you think it should, or prefer it to then it’s probably the time to find a new supplier for your workwear. With so many companies offering high-quality workwear, how can you differentiate the legitimate ones from fakes? It is important to know certain things to watch to look…
Spotting sub-standard workwear: top tips
Stitching: Check seams. The best garments are triple-stitched to ensure the strength. Any garment that has single, and frequently double crossed lines of stitching must be avoided since it suggests poor manufacturing processes.
Bar tacks – Search for bar tacks that are placed on the areas of stress in clothing particularly pants. These can help reinforce and prolong the life span of the item.
Fabric weight Ask your vendor about the amount of fabric the garment is made of and expressed by grams for each square millimetre (GSM). For reference the typical work polo shirt weighs 220 GSM. Anything lighter than this could not be durable enough to withstand the demands of the majority of work situations, so you should consider products made of wicking fabrics rather than cotton if you think it is most likely to get too hot.
Zips – Select items that have zips that read “YKK” on them. YKK provide the highest quality for zips, and all their products are warranted to last for the lifetime of the item.
Reinforcement seams – Look under the pockets of pants and at the rear of poloshirts, sweatshirts, and fleeces. There should be additional stitching in these places to provide durability to the garment in wear and also help it maintain its shape throughout the years. Seams are crucial to keep shape, however they also increase the cost of clothing.
Fleece jacket Fleece fabric begins as thick and then shaved down into the length you want based on your requirements. The shorter shaves cost more to purchase, but they appear more stylish for longer because there’s less thickness in the fabric, and consequently less chance of it getting caught in or getting caught within the fibers. Logos with embroidery will appear more attractive on a shorter shave. Be sure to ask suppliers about the degree of shave they use on the fabric of the clothing they provide. A reliable supplier will answer your questions about the items they provide.
There are a lot more aspects to be aware of to ensure you’re wearing high quality workwear . If you’d like to learn more about the process and comprehend it better, connect with me or my team. I’m always willing to chat!