Companies like Facebook and Amazon have become very rich using your personal data, such as your name and email address, for advertisements. Others, like Sony and Google, make you pay way too much money for their products or services. There are laws that prohibit this, but they are often ignored. Nevertheless, you are entitled to compensation, sometimes more than a thousand pounds.
Unfortunately, you cannot go to court yourself. That is far too expensive. Bu there is an easy solution: join Consumer Claims Europe and subscribe to their Collective Actions Tracker. They organize collective claims for damages, for thousands of people at the same time. You do not have to pay a lawyer yourself and there are no hidden costs. This is how it works:
Finding out about collective actions can be difficult. Where are they published? How do you join? Consumer Claims Europe closely monitors all collective actions currently underway, or under preparation, in the United Kingdom and the European Union. If you subscribe to the Tracker, you will never miss an opportunity to claim compensation.
Joining collective actions, and then keeping track of all the actions you have joined, can be tedious and time-consuming. Simply sign up for the collective actions you wish to join on the Consumer Claims Europe website. They will keep you posted on the progress of your cases.
In certain collective actions (called “opt-out”) you only need to get involved once the case has been resolved. However, you will then need to submit your claim, which involves providing evidence such as an invoice, to receive your portion of the settlement or judgment. That’s hard work. Consumer Claims Europe will file the claim on your behalf and take care of everything.
Once the collective action has been resolved, the available funds will be distributed to the claimants. In other words, the damages that have been awarded will be divided among the group of claimants who have suffered loss. Consumer Claims Europe will make sure you receive your fair share.
There are currently 14 collective actions listed on the Consumer Claims Europe website that you may be eligible for. More cases will be added in the coming months. Go to the Consumer Claims Europe website, subscribe to the Collective Actions Tracker, and then sign up for the collective actions you wish to join. It’s as simple as that.
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